
Sunnyyoo is a Mexican restaurant in Yangpyeong a short distance from Yongmun station. It’s part art gallery of sunflower paintings using coffee beans, part cafe that sells baseball caps, and part Mexican restaurant. It’s one of my friends favorite spots.


I ordered a chicken quesadilla and blueberry yogurt smoothie. The chicken quesadilla was soft and good, though one side was pretty moist from cheese soaking through. It came  with guacamole that was delicious, chips and a small cheesy salad. We even ordered a side of guacamole to share which came with a huge basket of corn chips and a spicy dipping sauce that is an interesting take on salsa. The extra guacamole came in almost a same size as what came with our meal, but it was nice to have more. We demolished both.


The owner speaks English and can help you with the menu which is in Korean. All the art work in the cafe is done by his father. Food may take awhile since the only staff seems to be a married couple, but it doesn’t seem to get too busy.

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