Missouri- Meramec Caverns


I haven’t sat still for long this summer. I’m a bit surprised. So expect to see posts about all of mini US summer road trips on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

First stop Missouri to the Meramec Caverns.

My aunt loves camping and the outdoors, my uncle and cousins not so much. The packed everything into the car (including their dog Max and myself).  I stayed with my sisters in downtown Saint Louis for the evening while they braved the heat and enjoyed their Doom food (as I call it).


Yum. It’s actually a box of disaster food. It’s filled with weeks worth of meals just in case. It surprisingly wasn’t bad when cooked over a fire. They stayed at the campsite right next to Meramec caverns so we just walked over and enjoyed the air conditioning.


The Meramec Caverns are 4.6 miles (7.4 km) worth of caverns (possibly more). The caverns have been made over a million years worth of erosion in limestone.  The caves are over 400 million years. There are guided tours that walk you through the caverns and explain the history.


We were lucky and got a guide all to ourselves. He told us about the history of the caverns and showed us around. The first room is a ballroom and has a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. The cavern is also wheel chair accessible, there are a few parts that are not though.



The old owner of the caves for a while use to blast through to explore the caves, it’s believed the caverns are larger, but since laws have changed and the owner has long since passed away exploration of the caves doesn’t continue. It’s also dangerous to explore some of them, since in some cases they go into sudden 70 feet drops.  But it is very beautiful.




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